Coorparoo Secondary College is committed to providing quality educational opportunities for students in the junior secondary phase of learning. The college will challenge students at all levels, support them in setting and attaining realistic personal academic goals and remain committed to excellence at all times. It will also guide students in selecting and attaining credentials from a variety of pathways for successful transition into the senior phase of learning.
College staff will support all students throughout their junior secondary education. They will also share the responsibility with parents and students for assisting each student in attaining his/her educational goals.
Junior secondary students need to be self-motivated and mature in their approach to their studies. They will be required to develop effective study routines and work towards an increasingly independent mode of learning. They will be expected to work as part of their cohort and achieve their very best.
The college will provide high quality instruction with relevant feedback to provide students with strategies to improve on their outcomes.
The college staff will provide personal monitoring and goal setting for all students in its support of improved student outcomes.
Students will be expected to:
have the required equipment, and textbooks for each lesson
engage actively in their learning
approach their studies in a diligent manner
access available support services if needed
participate in formal progress discussion meetings
demonstrate compliance with the IT user agreement
be accountable for their behaviour and learning actions
be responsible for their learning
keeping a standard of work acceptable to Coorparoo Secondary College expectations.
Parents/carers will be expected to support their student/s and work collaboratively with college staff to assist the individual achieve his/her desired educational outcomes.
Each year 7, 8 & 9 student will participate in formal progress discussions after key assessment periods to discuss successes and concerns. Student progress and goal aspirations will lead to the formal process of senior education and training planning (SETp) in year 10.
There are pre-requisites for junior secondary subjects. These will be:
published on the college website in a timely manner for the information of students and parents;
applied in such a way that they do not unreasonably limit realistic future options;
applied in a way which takes account of the needs and circumstances of each student.
In addition to its ongoing support and advice Coorparoo Secondary College will implement, in consultation with the student and his/her parents/carers, a targeted plan for students who achieve less than a "C" grade in any junior secondary subject, at the end of a semester. If a student does not achieve the agreed outcomes of the plan, the college may require the student to amend, change subjects or repeat the year.
Coorparo Secondary College will provide a comprehensive and rigorous NAPLAN preparation program. Students, for whom this program is appropriate, will be required to participate diligently in all aspects of the program.
Students are expected to attend the college unless absence is approved.
Students are expected to be punctual, prepared and attend all classes.
Failure to comply with the student requirements of this policy will be considered a breach of the college’s
student code of conduct with consequences enforced. In addition, students whose behaviour amounts to refusal to participate in the education program may have their enrolment cancelled.