It is a privilege to be the Principal of this great college. I lead an outstanding staff who tirelessly work to inspire our students to create tomorrow together as life-long learners and leaders shaping the future of our nation and the world. At CSC we partner with our students and educate the lawyers, teachers, doctors, engineers, chefs, creatives, sports stars and tradespeople of the future.
At CSC, through individualised and challenging academic programs we bring out the best in our students, inspire them to reach their full potential and create tomorrow together as informed global citizens.
We will achieve this with a strategic focus on:
· 21st Century learning;
· Expert teaching and staff professional wellbeing, learning and growth;
· All students learning and experiencing personal and academic growth for improved wellbeing; and
· Building our community.
As a part of this strategic plan we will seek opportunities to:
· Focus on neuroscience
· Focus on entrepreneurship
· Focus on student authorship and ownership of learning trajectories
· Focus on wellbeing to improve academic engagement and achievement
I am very proud to be able to share our college with you. I look forward to welcoming you to be a part of something very special at CSC.
Chrissie Coogan