
Mobile phones and electronic devices policy


Effective from the 22nd of January 2024

The following rules and conditions apply with respect to the use of mobile phones and personal devices at CSC:

  • I am safe, I am respectful and I am responsible are paramount at all times when using any personal electronic device. 
  • Under this policy, mobile phones, personal laptops or College issued laptops are considered to be a personal electronic device if they are being used for non-teacher directed learning or classwork. 
  • Mobile telephones and other electronic devices must be switched off when entering the College grounds. Mobile phones/headphones/ear buds are not to be visible at any time. The device will remain off, including break times unless directed by the teacher or staff member to turn the device on or until the end of the day at 2:50pm.
  • If these devices make sounds during a lesson, are used without permission, are visible, or cause any distraction or disruption to the lesson by any other use, teachers/staff members are instructed to direct the student to Student Services to hand in their device. Alternatively when possible/convenient the phone will be submitted to the office by the staff member. 
  • Refusal to attend Student Services or hand over the phone/device will result in a consequence for wilful disobedience/non-compliance. 
  • It is advisable to protect phones and other electronic devices with security codes, clear markings and to keep them in a safe place while at the college. 
  • Mobile phones and other electronic devices are brought to the college entirely at the owner’s risk. 
  • The College cannot accept any responsibility for theft, loss, damage or health effects resulting from the use of any mobile phones or other electronic devices. Parents and students are reminded that these devices are personal property and are not insured by the college or Education Queensland. 
  • Students should not allow other students to access their phone or device, as use of a phone remains the owner’s responsibility. 
  • Mobile phones and other electronic devices are to be switched off in toilets or change rooms. 
  • Serious action will be taken against any students who take photographs, or record other individuals without consent. 
  • Mobile phones or other electronic devices are not to be used to send menacing, harassing or offensive text, or other type of messages, or inappropriate images to other individuals. 
  • Action will be taken against students who use their mobile phone as a means to harass other students. 
  • Mobiles and other electronic devices confiscated at Student Services will be documented and placed in a secure location until collection occurs, as outlined in the table below. 
  • Earphones are not to be worn or to be visible at any time once you have entered the College grounds or in class, unless the activity is requested by the class teacher. 
  • In the case of emergency, if a parent needs to contact their child during College class time this must be done through the college office. 
  • Should a student need to go home or contact a parent/caregiver because of illness or any other reason during College hours, the college will contact parents to coordinate arrangements or the student will be provided with access to a phone at the office.
  • Students who require the use of a personal assistive technological device in circumstances that would contravene this policy (for example to assist with a medical condition or other disability) should negotiate a special circumstances arrangement with the Principal. Students need to discuss this in the first instance with the relevant Deputy Principal.


1. Used inappropriately in class or on grounds 1st offence

If possible, staff member will lodge the phone/device at Student Services at the earliest possible time otherwise, Student directed by staff member to take the phone or electronic device to student services and phone/device returned to student at the end of the day. Student issued with detention.

2. Used inappropriately in class or on grounds 2nd offence

If possible, staff member will lodge the phone/device at Student Services at the earliest possible time otherwise, Student directed by staff member to take the phone or electronic device to student services (teacher to follow up)- receipt of property given to student and phone returned to student at the end of the day. Student issued with 3 detentions.

3. Used inappropriately in class or on grounds 3rd offence

If possible, staff member will lodge the phone/device at Student Services at the earliest possible time, otherwise, Student directed by staff member to take the phone or electronic device to student services (teacher to follow up)- receipt of property given to student. Parent/guardian contacted prior to phone being returned to the student. Student issued with an after school detention.

4. Used inappropriately in class or on grounds 4th offence

If possible, staff member will lodge the phone/device at Student Services at the earliest possible time, otherwise Student directed by staff member to take the phone or electronic device to student services - receipt of property given to student. Parent/ guardian contacted, possible suspension.



Menacing, harassing or offensive text, including inappropriate images
Phone or electronic device lodged at student services – Parent/guardian contacted, possible suspension.
Taking photos, film without consent
Phone or electronic device lodged at student services – Parent/guardian contacted, possible suspension.
Use of others phone or electronic device without permission
Parent/guardian contacted, possible suspension.
Use of others phone or electronic device in an exam room
Phone or electronic device lodged at student services – possible cancellation of exam paper.

Last reviewed 29 January 2024
Last updated 29 January 2024